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About Dr. Rose

Musical Notes

Choral, Worship Teams and Orchestra

Piano Performance

Services and Weddings

Piano and Keyboard

Music Director

For over 20 years Dr. Rose has led choirs and praise teams of all sizes.  She has arranged and conducted countless worship events always focusing on worshiping and praising the Lord.  

As we stand weekly at the Threshold of Glory, a church worship and music ministry program does not exist to simply recreate the Christian concert line up we just recently heard. That would be quite easy.


Worship is about every tribe, tongue, people and nation giving glory to God! It’s about all ages of people bringing worship to the Lord together! It’s not about using the music to target certain people. That’s not Christ-centered worship.  That is marketing and seeker-driven event planning.


We continually strive to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth, knowing we are only able through the Lord Jesus Christ.  Connect with Dr. Rose as she desires to continually help God's people joyfully, obediently surrender to Him

through worship and music ministry.


"Your guidance has changed my heart and attitude toward worship for the better. I think more about the words and less about myself. It makes me smile more as I sing in worship! It makes me think about those who need to hear the words we sing. It makes me think about the troubles others are facing even as they stand next to me, or behind me or 15 feet away. It makes me want to love those around me. You are a great teacher, not just of music, but of God's Love!"

- Dennis

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