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A Book Calling: Sharing the Blessings and Lessons of Worship in Spirit and in Truth!

Many of you know our life situation abruptly changed from helping lead worship in a church amongst people we so loved to now having to seek the Lord for our next step. I have long sensed that there would be a time to write down and share the good things the Lord has taught many of us along the way of faithfully seeking to worship Jesus together.

I believe now is the God-given time. The need for a new written teaching and testimony in book format about Christ-centered worship seems even greater for the sake of the Lord and His kingdom.

This is a link to a Go Fund Me page to help make sure the publication is well done and given at least a nation-wide footprint at the start. It's my prayer that the Lord would use all that many of us have learned about Worship of Him to help edify the Body well beyond a local congregation in southeast Michigan.

If even 500 people could give $10.00 (2 coffee drinks), this project would be so quickly undergirded and ready in no time! With 500 individuals from one Sunday service...the Lord could help solidify each chapter and a possible study guide workbook in a few months.

This is simply a bold request before the Lord to seek His direction and favor. He knows all the details and why everything has transpired the way it has. We're simply seeking to be faithful and bold before Him - like Nehemiah - anxious to rebuild the gates and walls of Jerusalem. May a strong and irresistible testimony of worship from God's people be heard throughout the land!

May this book project help disciple worshipers the Father seeks - those who worship in spirit and in truth (John 4).

With much thanks for any prayer, social sharing or contribution any one of us can make. Anything is a huge blessing.

If anyone has questions, please don't hesitate to ask at



Dear Lord, You are the One who reigns to hold all things together! Forgive us when we have made our worship of You about so many other things and divided the body on account of ourselves. Renew our understanding of the greatness of who You are so that we can bear faithful witness to You. Teach us afresh! Bear witness to this project if You so desire! Bless it if it is Your will.

Because You deserve our all, Amen.


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