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Stepping Toward the Threshold of Glory

The Miracle of Radiant Mornings

Dear All,

I'm grateful to be with you. In fact, thank you so much for being here. We most likely haven't met, but we have a lot in common. All of us people do. And how refreshing to be reminded of that again.

As you're reading this, I'm praying that these upcoming "Threshold of Glory" posts can be an encouragement toward a deeper, richer life with Jesus for all of us.

This I know: Jesus is here, and we're going to be intentionally stepping toward the Threshold of Glory where He desires us to be - in His presence! We'll worship Him and seek to be transformed by his Spirit and truth.

So, I hope you'll consider joining us.

Please like, share and subscribe. That's simply an easy, helpful Step One.

Step Two: always respond with what you're learning when you feel led. The Lord does things in each of our lives so that we can encourage others. He doesn't ask us to journey by ourselves.

Step Three: If you don't know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, seek Him and surrender to Him. He's so gracious and good, and it's the most important step you could ever take!

Email or chat with me or others; ask any questions. You can easily download a free Bible App, too and start reading the book of John. Also, simply confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord! He's ready to welcome and save you, to forgive you, to lead you and adopt you as His own. He's done this for me, and he wants you to respond to his love, too!

We'll get into much more down the road, but for now, let's begin this journey together with a prayer.

We Draw Near to You, Lord Jesus

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for each one here and I pray you would help each of us grow closer to you. Bless those who put their trust in you and those who are seeking you. Jesus, you alone are Glorious, Magnificent, Holy, Merciful and Mighty! We can't grasp the fullness of who you are, but your vast love compels us to want more and more of you in our lives. Holy Spirit, help us to grow as we obediently and joyfully dwell in your presence. Transform our lives as we humble ourselves at your Threshold of Glory. Amen


If you desire to know more about trusting Jesus, there are upcoming testimonies of His saving work and practical resources at Please also connect with Dr. Rose with any questions.


In John 14 Jesus says, "Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. I am the way, the truth and the life!"

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